Saturday, September 14, 2013

Humanity - lack of purpose/direction

Wat is a human life

A species that evolved out of the global womb stepped on land a billion years ago, wonder why?

Was it bcos water was not sufficient to live in or was the choice that land is better or safer than the deep abyss. It stepped out and evolved from species to species, every century becoming a better survival machine. At a point he worried about his safety from nature and turned to dominate it and today, he is appalled of the nature of his own species. 

Since money has become the factor of survival, emotions/altruism have taken the back seat. Is this what the species is all about, a significant part on a selfish exploitative mode and another in an altruistic way supporting the selfish motives and rest either a experiment board or a place to exploit selfish motives further.

On a Saturday evening, I observe the streets and wonder, what is the species doing right now.

And I see,
A 7 years old girl, jumping in the grounds as her dad gets her out for a walk.  The father once should have been a son and would have been excited the same way for some reason that his parents did for him. Today, he is grown to follow the same. Is life only about experiencing this cycle of childhood, lust, family and death? 


As I imagine a busy junction close by, there should at-least be

                 A mechanic going home after a Saturday’s grind with the dream of sleeping on a Sunday or go out with family or have sex with his newlywed wife or his to fulfill his promise to take his children to a park or a trip, since he works away from them in the city.
Meanwhile, a housewife from a middle class family from a tier 2 city, must be planning to cooking a good  meal for her husband and running around her kids, who are gonna end up being her in the future.

In another situation, an upper middle class DINK (Double Income No Kids) family would be at the malls close by, disillusioned in the world of brands, entertainment, comfort and a flashy dream, for which both have to work towards, again to either feed themselves with higher luxury or feed their children with all that they never had.

In another situation, there would be a rich families spoiled kid who in his sports car, picking up a pretty chick for a party as they want to party, drink and get laid.
Meanwhile, at the bus stop there must be a employee waiting for a bus to reach his original home 100 kms away from there so that he can be with his family and children.

Not to miss out the retired folks who are astonished, feeling left out and trying to fit onto the “cool parent” need of their children and are at the malls munching junk food and waiting to close life on a good note.


Is this what life is all about, is this what the species walked out of the global womb to be?

 Where is this system leading towards? The models of capitalism, communism and development though are philosophical concepts do not look to play a role in everyday life of these commoners as they toil, reproduce and die.

Looks like humanity does not have a reason to unite and work towards a particular goal.